Grant Impact Story

Paulist priest Reverend Ricky Manalo, CSP, Ph.D. is a nationally known composer, theologian, and author. Many of his hymns are known to most parish communities. Betsy Williams, Pastoral Associate and Advancement Director at Saint Joseph Parish in Warren, wanted to host Father Manalo for a concert and presentation for the Warren Catholic Community. She was able to plan this special two-day event centered on music and the Eucharist with support from the Catholic Foundation.
“This is a unique opportunity for hundreds in the Warren Catholic community to deepen their love for the Catholic faith, music, and the Eucharist,” Betsy wrote in her grant application. “Believers are longing for ways to deepen their faith and love for Jesus.”
The event featured a concert, Tune, Text, and Theology: Encountering Christ Through Music, as well as a presentation, Encounter Christ in the Eucharist. “This is more than just a concert,” Father Manalo said. “I like to view this as a prayerful event that leads all those present towards a deeper spiritual renewal. I’ve always believed, as Saint Augustine has always said, singing is praying twice.”
Before the concert, Father Manalo spent the day with the choirs from Saint Joseph and nearby Holy Redeemer Parishes, as well as the Saint Joseph School children’s choir. They all had the opportunity to perform with him during his concert. “This was a wonderful opportunity for music ministers to enhance their understanding, appreciation, and love of liturgical music,” Betsy said. “They had an exceptional experience working with Father Ricky.”
The concert in the evening and the presentation the next day exceeded expectations and had a profound impact on the community. “We sang together, prayed together, and laughed together,” said Becky Harper, Saint Joseph parishioner. “[The concert] united the Warren community for an evening of joyful praise. Everyone felt energized by this event!”
Betsy agreed. “Bringing in a gifted priest, speaker, and musician can light a spark in people and bring them closer to Christ, deepening their faith. The people who attended, from Erie to Coudersport, were moved and grateful that the parish brought in such an incredible talent as Father Ricky. Our community was treated to a beautiful, prayerful evening of music and song rich with lyrics of our faith. The presentation on the Eucharist was presented in a manner understandable to all and helped the attendees fully appreciate the gift of our Lord in the Eucharist. The comments received from the attendees were very positive, remarking they would like to see more events like this.”
“With sincere gratitude, we thank the Catholic Foundation,” Betsy said. “Father Ricky touched hundreds of hearts with his beautiful music, faith-filled lyrics, and genuine love of the Eucharist. His warm, personal interaction has left a lasting impression. We enriched the faith of all those present. For that, we are truly grateful.”
This inspiring community event was made possible with grants from the Education Endowment and Michael C. McCloskey Memorial Endowment of the Catholic Foundation. Your gift to the Foundation in any amount designated for these endowments increases our capacity to award grants for impactful projects and programming throughout northwest Pennsylvania.
“With sincere gratitude, we thank the Catholic Foundation. Father Ricky touched hundreds of hearts with his beautiful music, faith-filled lyrics, and genuine love of the Eucharist.”