Generous donors to the Catholic Foundation help to strengthen and grow the Church's mission and ministries throughout northwest Pennsylvania. In gratitude for their support, Catholic Foundation board members celebrated an evening of appreciation with donors and Legacy Society members at the Bayfront Sheraton Hotel in Erie.
As chair of the Foundation board of directors, Ruthanne Beighley’s brief remarks capture the spirit of the event. “It is a delight to be with you this evening, to thank you personally, to get to know you and to share with you what brings us all together – our Catholic faith, our hope for the future, and our willingness to give of ourselves in the name of Jesus Christ.” As other board members were introduced Ruthanne shared their collective commitment to the Foundation. “We have great enthusiasm for the opportunity the Foundation represents for the future of the Catholic community in our diocese, and we thank you for sharing in this mission.”
Twenty-three new members to the Foundation’s Legacy Society were introduced and celebrated.
Legacy Society members are those individuals who choose to establish an endowment fund or leave an estate gift that will provide benefits to a Catholic ministry in perpetuity through the Catholic Foundation. Learn more about the Legacy Society.
Music, fellowship, cocktails, hors d’oeuvres and a special thank you gift rounded out the evening.
“Thank you for such a fine, well organized, informative, relaxing and important social event… Good job.” – Dr. Stephen Cenedella
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Ruthanne Beighley, Board Chair

Ruthanne Beighley, Board Chair

Lisa Louis, Executive DIrector

Ruthann Beighley, Bishop Persico

Dr. Stephen Cenedella, Rev. Christopher Singer

Bob and Marion Gallivan

Tom Hoffman, Board member, Ruthanne Beighley, Board Chair, Jim Martin, Development Director

Denny & Joanne Deiner, Norm Stark

Mary Ann Lamb, Marian Higgins

Bishop Persico, Tom Hoffman

Lisa Louis, Mike Vereb, Marie Vereb

Norm Stark, Donna Geiger, Tom Loftus, Jim Toohey

Joyce Ravnikar-Kulyk, Karen Burton-Horstman

Dr. Stephen Cenedella

Michael Malthaner

Jim Martin, Development Director, Marlene Mosco, Board Secretary

Dale DeMarco, Bill Steger (Board Treasurer), Leo Swantek

Bishop Persico, Donna Geiger, Norm Stark

Kathy Eisert, Deacon Marty Eisert, Ruthanne Beighley (Board Chair)

Mark Horstman, Karen Burton-Horstman, Dave Murphy

Tom Loftus, Bishop Persico

Jan Bergkessel, Jean Viglione

Kathy Eisert, Deacon Marty Eisert, Ruthanne Beighley (Board Chair)

Jim Toohey, Joyce Ravnikar-Kulyk

Bob Crowley (Board Vice-Chair), Msgr. Lohse

Marie Vereb, Bill Steger (Board Treasurer), Mike Vereb

Bill Steger, Board Treasurer, Bob Crowley, Board Vice Chair